ሰላም ተዋሕዶ - ትምህርታዊ የሆኑ የተለያዩ መንፈሳዊ ጽሑፎችን ፤ ዘገባዎችን ፤ በሕብረተሰባችንና በሌላው ዓለም ሕዝብ ባህልና ሕይወት ውስጥ የሚመላለሱ ወጋወጎችን የምታስነብ አስተማሪ ፤ አዝናኝና ቁም ነገር አዘል ብሎግ ናት፡፡Blogging Since Oct 2009
We can not wait until the days come.We really appeciate the providers . Thank you Dn Danial to come and preach Us here in Dallas .And also It is Shame to those who invite the Tehadiso Preachers in our church St Michael.
OK where is the address do you think every body knows where the church is located. ayi abesha
guys menew teru agelegaye betgabezu wolawpye sebake kmagabeze ,daniel
We can not wait until the days come.We really appeciate the providers . Thank you Dn Danial to come and preach Us here in Dallas .And also It is Shame to those who invite the Tehadiso Preachers in our church St Michael.
ReplyDeleteOK where is the address do you think every body knows where the church is located. ayi abesha
ReplyDeleteguys menew teru agelegaye betgabezu wolawpye sebake kmagabeze ,daniel